What does the Knight of Cups card mean in a Tarot Reading?
One of the rather difficult Tarot cards to interpret is the Knight of Cups. By itself, the Arcana is positive and can have a double meaning depending on the question and other cards of the spread.
This card is imbued with romance, the birth of wonderful feelings, as if spring is coming in your soul. Minor Arcana Tarot card Knight of Cups clearly indicates the emergence and disclosure of love emotions and feelings.
Goal: Harmony, fullness of being, wisdom.
Element: Water
Planet: Venus, Moon
Astrological sign: Scorpio, Pisces
This card is called “Lord of Waves and Waters” and “King of the Sea Army”. Before us is a handsome knight in armor, galloping on a horse and holding a goblet in his hand. It looks like he is going on a hike.
(For a detailed depiction, analysis of the Symbols and all Elements of the Knight of Cups Tarot Card, click here)
The Main Meanings of the Card In an Upright Position
Key Words and Phrases
An important event related to a relationship or emotion. New impressions. An invitation to visit. Vacation with friends. Offer. Business proposal. New opportunities. New love. Temptation. Imagination. Sensitivity. Art. Music.

Dancing. Dreams. Intuition. Kindness. Sympathy. The path to the dream. Pink glasses. Caring for those less fortunate. Frequent mood swings. Narcissism. A seductive offer. Utopian idealism. An offer of marriage. Dreams of the impossible. Doing what is enjoyable.
The main meanings of the card in an upright position
the ability to ingrain;
hidden intention;
strong imaginative thinking;
kind and friendly atmosphere;
harmony, meditation;
romantic dreams, willingness to fall in love;
follow the lead of your feelings;
the beginning of a partnership, affection and comfort;
arrival, approach, mooring to the shore, reception, access, convergence;
consistency (coordination);
entry, influx, comparison;
good advice, news, creativity;
true love, mutual love;
emotionality, daydreaming;
reciprocity, marriage;
responsiveness and sensuality;
creativity, ingenuity, fantasy.

Situation and Advice
You will meet a person you will fall in love with and communication with whom will give you new emotional sensations. Someone will make you an offer that will be difficult to refuse. Perhaps you will be relaxing with your friends. In the near future, you will be invited to a visit. A new acquaintance is possible. Pay attention to your feelings, it will help you not to be led by others. Now your obvious advantages are gentleness, sensitivity and idealism.
Persons designated by Upright Knight of Cups Tarot Сard
Romantic young people. Idealists. The dreamers. The best of the worst. Lovers. Refined, artistic people with well-developed intuition. Dancers. Musicians. Artists. People with paranormal abilities. Psychologists. Therapists. Consultants. Sellers. Passive people, easily influenced. Emotional people. Romantics that bring love into your life. Seducers. Tempters. Lovers. The man or woman of your dreams. Good-natured, intelligent young people who have a lot of new ideas and suggestions. Romeo and Juliet.
The Main Meanings of the Card In a Reversed Position
Key Words and Phrases
Inability to trust. Illusions. Escapism. Lie. Half-truth. Fraud. Irresponsibility. Fiction. Fantasy. Deception. Manipulation. Temptation. A scam. Weakness. Embezzlement. Infantilism. Insincerity. Flattery. Servility. Uncertainty. Impermanence. Fear of getting carried away. Insolvency. Passivity. Spinelessness. Excessive narcissism. Passive aggressive behavior. Instability. Hiding the truth. Lack of realism. Everything is not at all what it seems at first.
The main meanings of the card in a reversed position
suggestibility (dependence on other people’s intentions);
perhaps an insincere offer;
beware of half-truths;
broken heart;
vileness, cunning;
dexterity, subtlety, flexibility, trickery;
subtle cunning, incorrectness, black baseness;
a capricious and lazy person, not keeping his word, prone to deception;
treacherous and deceitful young man, deception, insincerity;
tricks, swindle, betrayed trust;
duplicity, emotional immaturity, escape from reality;
insincere young man, swindler, deceiver, lazy person;
false feelings, betrayal, heart drama;
bad news, betrayal, problems with partners;
a deceptive idea of something or someone;
mistakes, wrong decision.

Situation and Advice
You may receive an offer that seems too tempting to be true. Perhaps someone is lying to you. Check all the details carefully, read everything that is written in small print, otherwise you will have to regret some of your decisions. Don’t be too passive, don’t be influenced by others. There is a danger of being misled. Check with an impartial person. Make sure that you are not deceived or cheated. During this period, disagreements with a loved one are likely.
Persons designated by the Reversed Knight of Cups Tarot Сard
Weaklings. Flatterers and sycophants. A loved one who is cheating on you. Scammers. Those who mislead you by veiled or hiding part of the truth. Inveterate liars. Infantile and lazy people. Hopeless romantics. Passive-aggressive individuals with narcissistic tendencies. Those who have a bad sense of self-determination. Slimy people. This card symbolizes “fugitives” – people who hide from reality or responsibility, especially in emotional matters.
In the Spreads
The Knight of Cups Tarot card can act in several rather different senses: selfishness and excessive emotions, friendly and useful connections, manipulation and actions for profit. Depending on the current circumstances at the time of the alignment, you can try to understand the prediction. Be sure to pay attention to other Arcana.
Arcana has quite a few semantic shades. Based on the position of the card and the topic of the request, interpretations may vary. Let’s consider this moment in more detail.
In an Upright Position
If you have this card in the spread, it means that you will have a strengthening relationship with your loved one or, if you are still single, a new acquaintance and a new love. For those who are getting married, the Knight of Cups is a wonderful card that means a strong alliance with a worthy person.
Despite its many meanings, the card is usually regarded as positive. In its upright position, it most often means “knightly” qualities, activity, diplomacy, high goals, romanticism and companionship. Much of the Knight of Cups’ answer will depend on the scope of the question.
The Tarot Knight of Cups is a sensitive young man, idealist and romantic. He is characterized by originality and ingenuity, but his passive nature makes it possible for people around him or strange fantasies to distract him from his goals.
The Knight of Cups describes the imminent appearance of interesting news, a tempting offer, receiving romantic messages, love letters.
The drawing of this card is a good sign, foreshadowing soon mutual love, a successful union, news, a successful resolution of all difficult and controversial situations. Around him there is a sense of decency, good nature and sincerity. You can confidently count on the successful resolution of any difficult relationship, finding beneficial compromises in the most difficult conflict situations.
Appearing in fortune telling in an upright position, the Knight of Cups Tarot card means a kind, friendly atmosphere, good mood and a wise smile. This is a time of feeling harmony, romantic dreams and willingness to fall in love. Where discord and conflict reigned, this card portends reconciliation and peace. It is also just hours of relaxation, the time when we give free rein to our imagination, enjoy the beauty of life, enjoy art, especially music.
Another interpretation of the Knight of Cups indicates new initiatives with human participation. They probably affect his personal life and are somehow connected with the person represented by the card, or relate to artistic and creative searches.
In a Reversed Position:
In a reversed position, the Tarot card Knight of Cups means a young man from the inner circle of the querent. Most likely, this is your loved one, but there may be someone else with whom you have strong heart ties – your relative or friend.
A reversed Arcana speaks of such character traits of this person as treachery, insincerity, falsity. The reversed Knight of Cups warns that this person can trick you into gaining your trust, pursuing some of his own selfish goals. To prevent this from happening, try to trust only facts, not words, in relationships, even with close people. And even more so, do not trust your deceptive feelings.
The reversed Knight of Cups symbolizes that you perceive some part of your life inadequately, and you need to figure it out. Possible problems related to establishing contacts. Perhaps any actions and deeds, as well as desires and aspirations, turned out to be illusory and crashed against reality. Events take place that ruin all plans: the long-awaited trip is postponed, an important meeting is postponed due to some strange and incomprehensible problems.
Your love is either unrequited, or completely wrong, built on a lie. The card can also speak of extinct feelings in partners. In some cases, the Knight of Cups points to a person who plays with the feelings of another, leaving only broken hopes and dreams.
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Feeling unsure of your actions and words, you turn down tempting offers and great opportunities. More and more often you lock in yourself, in your imaginary world, so as not to see reality.
The reversed Knight of Cups most often indicates misbehavior. There may also be a lack of an objective view of the situation, insincerity, lack of good prospects under the circumstances.
The reversed Knight of Cups reports the insincerity or bias of the querent, which is expressed in hovering in the clouds and willingness to take everything at his word. If such an Arcana fell out in the spread for a certain proposal, then it suggests that the prospects for this proposal will ultimately turn out to be not at all rosy.
Cheating is the main aspect of the reversed card. The Knight of Cups, at first glance so attractive, may have a bad temper. A person should be careful in personal affairs and in business due to hidden problems that can result from a possible betrayal.
In the Spreads for Different situation
In an Upright Position:
The situation will be resolved favorably. However, it is important to remember to be in control of your emotions and be objective about your circumstances. Positive emotions and joy await you. New acquaintances are possible.
In a Reversed Position:
Beware of cheating. Some of the offers may only seem beneficial. Check all the details and nuances. Do not succumb to the emotions and influence of strangers.
In the Spreads for Relationship
In an Upright Position:
It is to the sphere of love and relationships that the main meaning of the Tarot card Knight of Cups in an upright position belongs. Here the card means a period of joy, love, affection, comfort, in a word, “spring of love”, the beginning of a romantic union. In existing relationships, Arcana speaks of reconciliation, when partners begin to understand each other better, when they no longer need words.
The Arcana in the spreads for love can be interpreted as sincere warm and romantic feelings, flirting, comfortable joint pastime, “rose-colored glasses”, attraction, positive emotions. However, the card by itself does not predict a serious relationship or marriage. It is rather what is now or what will be in the near future. If the querent does not yet have a partner, the card means that soon there will be an opportunity to meet someone who will give pleasant emotions and joy.
At the event level, the Knight of Cups is interpreted as the love of a young man, perhaps even a little younger than her, for a woman. If the card fell to a man, then this indicates the need to find a balance in the relationship that will allow you to love and be loved without prejudice to yourself and the danger of being known as an egoist.
In a Reversed Position:
The reversed Knight of Cups tends to indicate significant relationship problems. It can be a game on the feelings of another person for the purpose of some personal gain, as well as selfishness and insincerity of the partner. When guessing for the future of an already existing relationships, the card speaks of disappointment that will occur due to the fact that everything is not going at all as expected at first. If we are talking about a new acquaintance, then this Arcana should be taken as a warning that a person clearly wants to seem better than he really is.
In love, a reversed Tarot Knight of Cups means, in a sense, a wrong relationship. Perhaps partners are not suitable for each other, one depends on the other. Someone in the couple is not yet ready for a relationship, etc. This also includes jealousy, manipulation of the chosen one, deception.
In the Spreads for Money
In an Upright Position:
Everything is in order with finances. Stable income, additional cash receipts are possible, including unexpected ones.
In a Reversed Position:
Be careful about money. A reversed card often predicts impulsive waste.
In the Spreads for Career
In an Upright Position:
In working matters, it symbolizes a calm work process, successful and correct planning, the manifestation of diplomatic qualities in negotiations, good chances to show oneself.
When changing jobs, the Knight of Cups shows that the querent intends to give preference to the creative, artistic side, i.e. the card indicates precisely the attitude towards the work, but does not say anything about its content.

In a Reversed Position:
In working matters, the reversed Arcana symbolizes unnecessary emotions in communicating with colleagues, tension, possible conflicts, inattention to details.
In the Spreads for Health
In an Upright Position:
Good health. In case of illness, complete recovery of the patient.
In a Reversed Position:
In the area of health, it usually indicates diseases or abnormalities associated with emotions. These are diseases of the nervous system, all sorts of addictions, mental problems.
Abuse is possible. An imbalance in the body can lead to anemia or flatulence, colds, fatigue, and nausea.
Answer to Yes / No Tarot Spreads
In an Upright Position:
In a Reversed Position:
Self-Development Lesson
Measure seven times and cut once! Don’t be fooled by the appearance! Don’t focus on the exterior part of the offer so much that you don’t notice the content.
Type of person in an upright position:
The card indicates a young man (under 35). More often fair-skinned blond, sometimes – hair of a golden brown color. The eyes are bright blue, green or light brown. Height and build are average.
Unmarried man. Emotional, amorous, romantic. He is not torn into marriage, but if this is important for a girl, he will hasten to make a beautiful proposal, which, however, does not mean that he will be an ideal husband. He is affectionate, kind, but completely impractical in everyday life. The Knight of Cups is able to fall in love without looking back in the first person he meets. It is for this type of people that marriage swindlers are hunting. For the sake of love, real or imagined, he will come up with the most ridiculous excuse for a treacherous beloved. By nature, regardless of gender, he is a sympathetic, kind-hearted, compassionate person. He always strives to help others, often to his own detriment. It is difficult for him to say “no” to the one asking. His indecision and inability to refuse often lead to problems in the family and at work.
In love, the Knight of Cups is a partner who does not initially think about treason. But he (or she) is able to cheat on the partner only because it is extremely difficult for him (or her) to resist the pressure from the seducer of the opposite sex.
Type of person in an reversed position:
Weak-willed, irresponsible and lazy person. The suit of the cups in itself does not contribute to volitional aspirations, therefore, the reversed Knight of Cups, more than anyone else, should strive to communicate with people, which could be a moral guideline for him. Not joining in time, including to a useful business, the Knight of Cups gets completely lazy and becomes a classic sofa seal.
Arcana’s warning
Avoid unnecessary emotions, take care of your nervous system.
Final Advice of Arcana,
Try to look at things objectively, do not be afraid to be active.
In an Upright Position:
Enjoy life, while everything is fine. Show the best qualities of your nature. It’s time to be romantic, generous, compliant, and helpful.
In a Reversed Position:
Be careful not to take anything on faith. Take back the peace you have long lacked.

Knights of all stripes herald a transitional period. In the case of the Knight of Cups it is about the sphere of our senses.
The Knight of Cups, despite its many meanings, is a positive and favorable card. All negative answers of Arcana are fixable, or short-lived, and are an excellent opportunity to work on yourself and your emotions.
If you draw the Knight of Cups in a Tarot spread, this means new opportunities in the field of personal relationships, love and marriage.
At his best, the Knight of Cups is a pure and perfect seeker of the Holy Grail on his spiritual quest, or a troubadour who gave his life to love.
This is an idealistic dreamer, driven exclusively by inner values and emotions, a traveler through the kingdoms of romantic pleasures.

Discover other Minor Arcana:
Suit of Swords
Ace of Swords
Two of Swords
Three of Swords
Four of Swords
Five of Swords
Six of Swords
Seven of Swords
Eight of Swords
Nine of Swords
Ten of Swords
Page of Swords
Knight of Swords
Queen of Swords
King of Swords
Suit of Wands
Ace of Wands
Two of Wands
Three of Wands
Four of Wands
Five of Wands
Six of Wands
Seven of Wands
Eight of Wands
Nine of Wands
Ten of Wands
Page of Wands
Knight of Wands
Queen of Wands
King of Wands
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The knight of swords often brings me unexpected news. I’m sitting at home, not bothering anyone, and suddenly the phone rings and I immediately have to rush somewhere, do something, decide something.
Me too! The Knight of Swords has a knack for bringing unexpected twists and turns into my life as well. It’s like the universe suddenly hits fast-forward, and I find myself thrust into action without much warning. It’s both exhilarating and a little overwhelming at times, but I’ve learned to embrace the energy and adapt quickly to whatever comes my way.