What does the Page of Wands card mean in a Tarot Reading?
The Page of Wands is a fairly light and easy-to-understand card. It points to a sincere, moral, worthy person with big dreams. He expects only good things from life, condemns lies and bad manners, looks to the future with hope.
The Page of Wands is associated with talent, enthusiasm and courage. The Page of Wands is a messenger, so most likely a relative or friend will bring you important or good news. Expect a letter, email or phone call soon. Obviously, you are open to new ideas and suggestions from other people.
Goal: Live and enjoy life.
Element: Fire
Planet: Venus
Astrological sign: Sagittarius, Libra
The Page of Wands card in most decks is depicted as a young man leaning on a staff or wand. As a rule, the young man is richly dressed, his posture is at ease and relaxed. The Page of Wands can represent either a young man or a girl.
(For a detailed depiction, analysis of the Symbols and all Elements of the Page of Wands Tarot Card, click here)
The Main Meanings of the Card In an Upright Position
Key Words and Phrases
An important and exciting message. Bravery. Courage. Optimism. Leadership. Initiative. Extraversion. Be in the center of attention. Full speed ahead. Energy. Enthusiasm. Competition. Self-promotion of oneself. Force. Athletic prowess. Resourcefulness. Creative potential. Inspiration. Devotion. Excitement. Quick response.

Passion. Sexual arousal. Dynamic events. New ideas. Time for creative endeavors. Job application message. Receiving news from a relative or friend. An important letter or phone call. The opportunity for professional growth. Career changes. New job. Literary creativity. Creative impulses. A messenger bringing good news. Physical exercises. A complete sex life. Start of news spreading. This can be the beginning of a long journey.
The main meanings of the card in an upright position
a child or young person full of energy;
dancer, actor, traveler;
challenge, strength test;
thick of events;
talent, courage;
important or good news;
new ideas and suggestions;
chance, offer, adventure;
household issues and new ideas;
exciting event;
stranger, unknown, extraordinary;
strange, extraordinary, unusual, unheard of;
amazing, delightful, gorgeous, wondrous, wonderful;
episode, retreat, anonymous;
indicates an active young man who may have come with unexpected and good news;
new beginnings, ambition, intelligence;

boy or girl, friend, messenger, confidant;
everyday business relationships: colleagues, partners, co-workers;
decisiveness, ambition, leadership qualities, intelligence;
important or interesting news;
loyalty, generosity.
Situation and Advice
You will receive good news soon, or you will have new opportunities. The spirit of competition is in the air. If you are expecting a phone call about a job interview, they will call you very soon. You are full of energy, optimism and enthusiasm. You are now ready to start a new course of study. Possible job change or career change. If your question was about love, expect an ardent and passionate relationship. You may receive a love letter soon. There is a chance that you will have a new friend or a new love. On your horizon, there is an opportunity in the very near future to replenish your sexual experience with new delightful impressions. Now is the best time to start a successful new project. This time is favorable for sports.
Persons designated by Upright Page of Wands Tarot Сard

Messengers with good news. Those who exude optimism and inspire those around them. Leaders. Brave and energetic young people. Smart and agile children. Those who bring good news. Passionate young lovers. Talented writers. Inspirational, creative people. People who can react quickly and emotionally. Sex partners encouraging your desires. Friendly and energetic people. Teachers. Sellers. Actors. Politicians. Preachers. Inspired speakers. Trainers. Athletes. Sometimes dark-haired boys. Loved lovers. Messengers. Postmen. Dangerous opponents if the Page of Wands is followed by the Page of Cups.
The Main Meanings of the Card In a Reversed Position
Key Words and Phrases
Bad news. Hurried communication. Refusal letter. Restrained answer. Quick dismissal. Refusal. Impulsive decision. Official letter. Broken heart. Unwanted information. Loss of work. Annoyance at being treated harshly. Seeking attention to yourself in a negative way. Making yourself overly important. Overwork. Lack of energy. Confusion. Obstacles. Indecision. Unclear thinking. Sexual frustration. Unclaimed love. Insecurity. Boasting. Gossip. Excessive dramatization. Arrogance. Problems in sex life. Disease. You’re getting on my nerves. The breakup is hard to deal with.
The main meanings of the card in a reversed position
traffic jam, natural disasters;
inability to solve problems;
inattention to others;
the desire to show yourself from the bad side;
impatient child;
refusal to approve the manuscript;
dangerous opponent;
notification, instruction, advice, warning, reprimand, notes, teaching;
an attractive person, perhaps a lover, can also indicate a messenger, a well-wisher;
tyranny, misunderstanding;
heart breaking event;
young man, friend, confidant;
bad news, deception, cunning;
catch, inconsistency, dramatic events;
envious person, intriguer.
Situation and Advice

The Page of Wands in a reversed position indicates bad news or unwanted communication. Someone is making unflattering remarks about you. A hasty or ill-considered decision can have dire consequences for you. You or someone close to you is acting like an impatient child. Perhaps you are annoyed by someone’s formal and dry response to your proposal, which you would like to discuss in more detail. You may have suspicions that you are not being taken seriously.
During this period, there is the likelihood of trouble at work, and the reason for this may be your indecision or lack of energy. Some circumstances can take away all of your energy. Be careful, do not rush to trust the first person you come across – you risk being deceived. Foolish and useless bragging can lead to problems. If your question is about a love relationship, be prepared to receive bad news. Some problems with sex are likely. If you are a literary person, your manuscript will be rejected.
Persons designated by the Reversed Page of Wands Tarot Сard
Diva. The person who broke your heart. People who seek to attract attention. Those who speak badly about you. Hasty and insincere people. Those who make rash decisions. People who are trying to dominate you. Those who love to splurge. Those who cut edges, they cannot be trusted. Those who bring bad news. Superficial, unreliable people. Gossipers. Bouncers who can’t be dealt with. People who don’t know how to maintain confidentiality. Opponents of sexuality. Heathers.
In the Spreads
In the most general form, the meaning of the Tarot card Page of Wands is, in most cases, a reference to a young man (or girl) with high moral principles. Another meaning of the card is good news, a pleasant trip, new perspectives, self-realization.
The upright and reversed positions are opposite in meaning. Let’s consider them in more detail.
In an Upright Position
The Page of Wands in its upright form has the classic interpretations of the card: a sincere, decent, dreamy guy or girl, or improving the situation for the better, some pleasant circumstances, new opportunities.
The Tarot Page of Wands is impetuous, dynamic, hot. The meaning of the card is a positive attitude, the elation inherent in youth. The card can be interpreted as a proposal for an adventure, an adventure that can please, bring emotional satisfaction, a wave of new feelings. It also denotes an interest in education. The person is open to science, self-development, and it brings him pleasure to learn new things.
The Page of Wands is characterized by great energy, intelligence, resourcefulness and loyalty. These qualities are usually associated with a young man. The Tarot card predicts good news (either from some young man, or about him), most likely unexpected. The Page of Wands also speaks of new plans, in particular the energetic start of a new project.
Depending on the spread, the Page of Wands in Tarot fortune-telling may indicate a figure from the personal environment of the querent: his friend, relative or loved one. In this case, we can talk about a young boy or girl. In an upright position, the card says that you can rely on this person: he will bring you good news or provide support at the right time.
It’s time to look at the situation with different eyes and set a new course. Perhaps an unexpected event or an attractive opportunity. During this period, new opportunities await you, which may manifest themselves in the areas of career and self-realization.
You will enthusiastically accept a captivating offer. A good chance will appear that will force you to get out of the usual dullness of everyday life and open up the opportunity for you to express yourself creatively. This can be facilitated by a new hobby, an unexpectedly started new project. A period of high creative activity, changes due to external stimulus. There will be a desire to start a new one, and get inspiration to change the usual field of activity.
The absence of cards more senior than the Page of Wands in the spread suggests that it may be worth waiting for the manifestation of active actions, that the time has not come yet, and you are not ready. The neighboring cards will tell about the outcome of the plans. With a positive spread, you can implement your ideas and ideas. If negative, you should not agree without considering the proposal.
In the upright position, the Page of Wands is a card for overcoming one’s fears and, in connection with this, new opportunities that open up on the path of life. The chance that opens up here takes the form of a fascinating idea or proposal that is greeted with enthusiasm. Usually, this is an opportunity to go beyond the usual sphere of interests, an invitation to an adventure that requires courage and a willingness to take risks, a bright brushstroke against the background of gray everyday life.
The Page of Wands Tarot card portends possible help or moral support from a sane young friend or relative. Also, if you need a testimony in your favor (in business or in family matters), then that person will or may have already given one. Faithful friend, lover. Wait for news. A possible contract would be favorable.
In the upright position, the Page of Wands symbolizes the everyday business connections of the querent: colleagues, colleagues, business partners.

Some of these people will be associated with good news and new career or financial prospects that open up before you.
In general, the presence of the Page of Wands in the Tarot spread suggests that you got down to business energetically and skillfully. You are on the right track, open for cooperation, new ideas and proposals, which means that you can safely count on success.
In a Reversed Position:
The reversed Page of Wands, as opposed to the upright one, means a young man with a lack of experience, unstable emotions, who often behaves like a child.
The Tarot Page of Wands in a reversed position means a despotic character, narrow-mindedness, ambition. These qualities can confuse any young man who has such a card in the spread. In addition, the reversed Page of Wands promises bad news for the querent or a belated better time.
The Page of Wands in a reversed position symbolizes a person from the business environment of the querent who is capable of harming him, willingly or unwillingly: his colleague, friend, etc. This could be a competitor wanting to take your place, a flatterer, an envious person, or just someone who happened to bring you bad news.
In addition, in the spread, the Page of Wands can mean a person from the personal environment of the querent: a young girl or boy (relative, friend, loved one), with whom negative events will be associated. This person can play the role of a dangerous rival, an envious person or an intriguer hiding under an outwardly friendly mask in your life.
Perhaps the person is prone to exaggeration, likes to brag. He thinks shallowly, but his nature is very passionate and enthusiastic. It can also be said here that the person exhibits inertia. He needs a push, movement from the outside world, and at the same time to remember about common sense. Don’t get involved in an adventure that might hurt you.
The reversed Page of Wands means an undeveloped character and a feeling of deprivation, a weak position, amateurism and incompetence. The person is unstable and difficult to rely on. Poor self-control, as well as psychological unwillingness to accept the situation.
Being mannered and superficial, he is unable to achieve the desired results. This is most likely due to the initially incorrect first step. This behavior leads to missed opportunities and all sorts of minor losses. Indecision and inconstancy will not allow the plans to be realized, or they will be far from the desired result.
Also, a reversed Tarot card speaks of impatience, haste, a propensity for adventures, gambling. Perhaps this is due to youth, lack of life experience. But in any case, this person has huge demands. There is more than enough ambition.
The meaning of a reversed Tarot card Page of Wands predicts a number of circumstances that interfere with the achievement of goals. If we talk about professional activity, then in this position, the card indicates a lack of strategy, or the person has absolutely no potential for this work. It is unlikely that success can be achieved in this activity.
The reversed Page of Wands indicates impatience, and sometimes a craving for adventure and risk. In a certain spread it can be perceived as amateurishness or lack of experience, coupled with excessive ambition. In terms of events, this Arcana speaks of curious situations, late received news, a tendency to inertia.
If the Page of Wands is a person, then he is hungry for what you have or want to receive, and therefore not trustworthy. A dangerous opponent. Bad news. Instability and indecision. Flattery that can disarm you. Or a bad situation, bad news, or upsetting events.
In the Spreads for Different situation
In an Upright Position:
The value of the Tarot card Page of Wands in a question for a certain situation is a favorable resolution of problems, a good result or the successful implementation of plans.
In a Reversed Position:
In fortune-telling about the situation, the reversed Page of Wands warns of failure of plans, improper behavior, disappointment, unpleasant emotions. Try to react calmly to circumstances and make informed decisions.
In the Spreads for Relationship
In an Upright Position:
In the upright position, the Page of Wands informs you that something very exciting awaits you. This can happen both within the framework of an already established relationship, which will become more interesting and richer, or through meeting a new partner. It is possible that this will be some kind of adventure promising some new, unusual forms of relationship.

The Page of Wands has the following meaning in Tarot spreads for relationships: tenderness, sincere feelings, falling in love, passion. In the case of fortune-telling about a partner, this is a person in love, ready for a lot for the sake of the chosen one.
In a Reversed Position:
In a reversed position, the Arcana indicates a violent feeling that will disappear as quickly as it arose. Often indicates infidelity, tactlessness, disappointment in the partner.
The reversed Page of Wands in spreads for love symbolizes the infantilism of one or both partners, unpreparedness for a serious relationship and a mature union, childishness.
In the Spreads for Money
In an Upright Position:
Financially, the situation is favorable, but there is room for improvement. You have good prospects.
In a Reversed Position:
Not everything is going smoothly with finances, it may seem to you that it is easy to make money, but this is not always the case. The material condition is unstable.
In the Spreads for Career
In an Upright Position:
In career matters, it symbolizes the creative process, an unconventional approach to business, the realization of talents, enthusiasm, energy. You are ready for new opportunities.
In the upright position, the Page of Wands informs you that you will be offered something interesting: a new task that gives you a reason to show off your abilities, a new place or position, something unusual in general, but very attractive. In any case, this means growth and possible advancement for you. Even if the task turns out to be difficult, it is worth taking on it, because the fulfillment will bring joy.
In a Reversed Position:
In the spread for work, the reversed card usually means a lack of the necessary experience for the great ambitions that you have. When the person craves a high position or serious responsibilities, while not possessing the necessary knowledge.
The reversed Page of Wands speaks of the inability to plan one’s actions a few steps ahead. What was conceived, probably, will not be able to please you with positive results.
In the Spreads for Health
In an Upright Position:
In terms of health, the Page of Wands indicates the absence of serious diseases, a high level of energy, vitality.
Good health, strong immunity.
In a Reversed Position:
The reversed Page in Tarot spreads for health matters can indicate nerve and mental problems, minor injuries or ailments.
Minor accidents, dehydration.
Answer to Yes / No Tarot Spreads
In an Upright Position:
In a Reversed Position:
More likely no than yes.
Self-Development Lesson
Pay attention to the messenger. Concentrate on new initiatives and remain open to help from others. Remember to take your own responsibility for personal relationships.

Type of person in an upright position:
The card usually indicates a male (sometimes female) child or adolescent. The hair is naturally red, copper-colored or light brown. The eyes are blue, green or light brown. The skin is light, sometimes with freckles, quickly burns in the sun.
If we are talking about an adult, this is a person who grew up in a family with the correct moral guidelines. He comes from a simple, “worker-peasant” family. By nature, the person is ardent, open, cheerful. Easily fires up with ideas, but if he does not immediately start implementing them, he quickly cools down to them.
The Page of Wands is honest, a good performer, but not diligent. By virtue of natural honesty, he can strain and fulfill the assignment, as soon as he has promised. But do not leave the matter to his discretion. He’s not a go-getter. The Page of Wands prefers to receive a clear task rather than sculpting clouds out of thin air. He needs clear instructions.
For the questioner, the Page of Wands, like any other Page in the Tarot, in the spreads can mean a younger relative: a brother or sister, nephew, grandson or the questioner’s own child.
Type of person in a reversed position:
A child from a dysfunctional family. Juvenile delinquent, vagabond, social orphan. If we are talking about an adult, this is a person who is out of work. He loves to chat about the injustice of the universe, but he will hardly make an effort to radically change something in his life. Overall, he is content with everything.
Arcana’s warning
Before you act, take a sober assessment of your knowledge and experience. Perhaps, for some projects, self-confidence alone may not be enough.
Final Advice of Arcana
Feel free to use the opportunities you meet, do not be afraid to try something new and always believe in yourself.
In an Upright Position:
Respond quickly to changes and don’t miss out on good chances. If you get an offer for a job – actept it, otherwise you will miss the opportunity for career growth. A blind date is approaching – do not hesitate, the acquaintance will be promising.
In a Reversed Position:
If you missed a chance, it doesn’t matter, there will be a new one. Learn from mistakes.
The Page of Wands is a Tarot card that makes it possible to think about how strong your moral principles are, whether you can be an honest and worthy person whom people can believe, and also whether you are an adult enough person to make informed decisions.

Discover other Minor Arcana:
Suit of Swords
Ace of Swords
Two of Swords
Three of Swords
Four of Swords
Five of Swords
Six of Swords
Seven of Swords
Eight of Swords
Nine of Swords
Ten of Swords
Page of Swords
Knight of Swords
Queen of Swords
King of Swords
Suit of Wands
Ace of Wands
Two of Wands
Three of Wands
Four of Wands
Five of Wands
Six of Wands
Seven of Wands
Eight of Wands
Nine of Wands
Ten of Wands
Page of Wands
Knight of Wands
Queen of Wands
King of Wands
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I get this card every time when I have to perform tasks that are new to me in Photoshop
Interesting observation 🙂