What does the Four of Wands card mean in a Tarot Reading?
The Four of Wands determines the overall value of the spread, as it is one of the most significant cards. It carries with it a positive and powerful energy. This card falls to the lucky ones. This is a sign of the grace of fate. The person easily bypasses and overcomes all difficulties on his way.
Four of Wands is a family oriented Tarot card. Therefore, if you are looking for reassurance in a family matter or problem, the best sign is to receive the Four of Wands. The soothingly fallen Arcana also applies to other areas of life that may be troubling.
Goal: Express yourself fully.
Element: Fire
Planet: Venus
Astrological sign: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
The four wands in the foreground are decorated with wreaths that form a kind of canopy. Two figures are approaching the wands, joyfully waving bouquets of flowers. Behind them is a large bridge adjoining the tower fortress.
(For a detailed depiction, analysis of the Symbols and all Elements of the Four of Wands Tarot Card, click here)
The Main Meanings of the Card In an Upright Position
Key Words and Phrases
A special occasion to mark the next stage of development. Peace. Pass. The joy of achievement. Significant event. Pleasure. Blessing. Harmony. A happy and safe home. Rooting. Strong business relationship. Buying a house. Success. Laying the foundation for marriage or serious relationship.

Moving to a new home. Fruit ripening. Good harvest. Improvement. Prosperity. Pleasure. Celebration. Productivity. Comfort. Creative pursuits. Satisfaction. Happiness. Holidays. Relaxation. The possibility of a new romance. Marriage. Honeymoon. Bar mitzvah or similar ceremony. A happy ending.
The main meanings of the card in an upright position
a job well done;
recovery from difficulties;
enjoyment of the results of the work done;
communication, entertainment, joy of life;
new contacts;
well-deserved rest;
society, association, assembly;
federation, union;
gathering, club, community, detachment, crowd, army, gang, regiment, army;
convocation, accompaniment;
mixing, blending, admixture;
agreement, contract, convention, treatise;
a quiet haven, the completion of what was started, unexpected luck;
continued growth;
disciplined thought, pursuit of order, periods of prosperity;
successful completion, new beginnings, moving;
harmony in the soul, good news, happiness;
success in business, implementation of plans, well-deserved generous fruits;
fulfillment of a cherished desire, good luck, a pleasant surprise;
material wealth.

Situation and Advice
Four of Wands is a positive, lucky card that heralds a time of rest and receiving a reward after a successfully completed task. The project has reached a successful stage of development, and now is the time to celebrate this event. The roots put down will firmly hold in the ground. You may be considering buying a house and owning a household. Anything related to the countryside will turn out to be successful. The creative assignment is progressing well. You can enjoy the first fruits of your labors before continuing to work after the holiday is over. The Four of Wands can denote a special ceremony dedicated to the next stage passed, the end of one stage and the transition to the next. In matters relating to romantic relationships, this card denotes laying the foundation for a lasting relationship and, in addition, is one of the cards portending marriage.
Persons designated by Upright Four of Wands Tarot Сard
Vacationers. Happy and self-satisfied people. Those who build their nest. People taking part in social events such as bar mitzvah, prom, etc.
The Main Meanings of the Card In a Reversed Position
Key Words and Phrases
Positive values
Very similar to the values of the card in the upright position, only the degree of manifestation will be slightly less. Success comes at a higher cost than anticipated. Recreation. Pause for relaxation. Improvement. Happiness after overcoming difficulties. Confession. Reward. Delayed but satisfactory completion of a phase or project. Extramarital affairs.
Negative values
Delay in action. Criticism. Insecurity. Bad service. Disappointment. Intolerance. Limited thinking. Excessive conservatism. Retreat. Restrictions. Disapproval. Property problems. Disappointment in a partner. The need to protect against possible loss of happiness.
The main meanings of the card in a reversed position
with a positive attitude, you can achieve good results;
you should be able to find comfort and support from friends;
temporary inability to feel the joy of life;
success is delayed or in doubt;
prosperity, increase, wealth, luck, prosperity;
beauty, decoration;
a married woman has beautiful children;
material well-being, pleasure;
temporary delays, the need for new efforts;
improving wealth, material wealth;
good news, implementation of plans;
dizziness with success, high probability of erroneous decisions;
the need for additional efforts to implement the plan.
Situation and Advice
The Four of Wands is an iconic card, and even in a reversed position, it remains generally positive, indicating only that success will be achieved at a slightly higher cost. The time for rest and well-deserved awards is approaching. However, the reversed Four of Wands can indicate possible obstacles or limitations that you will have to overcome, or problems with property. If you are planning some kind of social event, you may receive poor service, or perhaps the organization of the event will not be at the level that you expected. You will have to work harder to get the desired result.

Persons designated by the Reversed Four of Wands Tarot Сard
Slow people. Those who provide poor quality services.
In the Spreads
The card brings joy, fun. It is usually associated with wedding ceremonies. At the same time, it can represent other important festive events in life. These events can be a new job, a long-awaited move or pregnancy. Whatever you mark, this card has a condition: achieving success only by your own work.
This is a holiday, freedom, excitement, all about prosperity and partnership. The Arcana represents events that cause excitement, and can also take various forms.
In an Upright Position
In the upright position, the Four of Wands indicates the completion of the case or some circumstances that cause a deep sense of peace, reliability and harmony. However, the end of one event often means the beginning of another. The card favors new beginnings in household chores, moving or building a new house. Depending on the neighboring Tarot cards, the Four of Wands can talk about a new love affair or even about marriage, accompanied by a move.
Four of Wands means pleasure and fun. Pleasures that money can buy, a material outlook on life, spending on yourself and your desires. Harmony with others, general situation of prosperity and comfort.
It can mean a break in physical, emotional or mental ties, leading to a new era of personal growth. The energy of the Arcana can help overcome the crisis, bring you to a new level. Perhaps the time has come to break those bonds, move on to a new period of growth and joy.
The Four of Wands personifies joy, openness, unclouded existence, happy life. The Arcana corresponds to a period of peace and tranquility, during which the person opens up to meet life and its joys. We are confident in our own safety, and therefore are ready to leave the “fortress walls” and go out into the outside world. This means communication, entertainment, pleasure and joy of life, as well as the opening of our “I” to explore the full life, a feeling of deep connection with other people. These are periods of sudden prosperity, peace, tranquility and harmony. It’s also rest and enjoyment of the results of your labor as well. The Four of Wands indicates the stability of the situation, the orderliness of life, and positive dynamics in it.
In the upright position, the Four of Wands symbolizes the successful completion of a stage in business and the associated improvement in financial well-being.
Depending on the spread, we can talk about the first successes of a new project, the first profit, the first fruits. Or about the completion of the case, which is only the first step on the way to the cherished goal of the querent. In any case, the Four of Wands is a sign of a temporary respite and the opportunity to finally enjoy the well-deserved fruits of their deeds, in order to then take on new ones with fresh strength.
The Four of Wands tells that your efforts were not in vain, you are going in the right direction, and over time you can count on more. Your projects are going uphill, and this is reflected in your well-being. Soon, new projects and new affairs await you, which will be a continuation of the old ones. Now you have the opportunity to calmly devote time to yourself and your loved ones. Spend it on socializing, having fun, traveling and pleasant shopping.
Tarot Card Four of Wands in upright position means peace and tranquility. The person gets freedom, freed from responsibility, the completion of all the work begun, bringing them to the end. Do things that are pleasant for you, hobbies that will restore vitality spent on achieving your goals.
In a Reversed Position:
In the reversed position, the card retains a positive meaning. But if we are talking about big plans and hopes, then they are not destined to come true. The partner will deceive your feelings, the expectations about him will not come true.
The reversed Four of Wands Tarot card means not a good time for amusement. You need to put all your strength into work, the implementation of goals. There are obstacles that prevent them from being completed. Partners, people who surround the person, are a bad company for him. He wants to get away from them, but something gets in the way. He seems to be running in place.
Even reversed, the Four of Wands is not a bad card. The happy completion of the case, predicted by the upright card, is only postponed here for a while and requires additional efforts. A pleasant feeling is that the end of events is already near, and the current difficulties are only temporary.
The reversed Four of Wands has almost the same meaning as the upright one, but perhaps is not so clearly expressed. Personal satisfaction with a job well done. Addition to your property or business.
It may represent unhappy family life, end of good times. You may feel that you have a hard time taking on something very personal. It can also indicate a lack of communication with home or with friends, with colleagues.

This Arcana has such a powerful potential that the result predicted by it is provided in any case, unless it turns out to be somewhat delayed in time. The reasons for the delay in success may be an excessive willingness to compromise with oneself, a desire to rest on our laurels.
It symbolizes the first fruits, the first successes in a new business, but it also warns against possible dizziness from success.
In this sense, the reversed Four of Wands tells the querent that it is too early to relax. There are many things ahead that will require your energy and tight control. If you relax after the successes of the initial stage, letting things take their course, then all your achievements will quickly come to a dead end. So rest, but in moderation, not forgetting that real things are still ahead.
“Skeletons in the closet” float up, both yours and those of those around you. Masks come off, exposure, disappointment. Gatherings with close friends turn into conflict, quarrels, scandals, up to a break in relations. All secrets become apparent. Not wanting to come to terms with other people’s shortcomings.
In the Spreads for Different situation
In an Upright Position:
May be a sign that the person has achieved their goal of becoming part of a prosperous and strong community.
In a Reversed Position:
In any situation, the reversed Four of Wands represents conflict, discontent and instability. It is also considered to be a sign that the earlier celebration of success was premature.
In the Spreads for Relationship
In an Upright Position:
In terms of love, harmony in a relationship makes you and your man satisfied with each other. You can count on long-term commitments such as an engagement or marriage. If you are single, do not worry, you will soon meet your significant other. It is clear that this card brings very positive signals of love. However, this does not mean that you can behave indifferently, effortlessly, only caring for the relationship will bear fruit.
Four of Wands is a Tarot card of the hearth, family comfort, peace and pleasure from communicating with the partner. In spreads for relationships it fall out as a symbol of prosperity, harmony, mutual understanding, calmness and serenity. Sometimes it tells about the visits of guests, pleasant communication with friends, relatives, and may indicate pleasant household chores. The relationship is in a stable phase. The first fruits of life together appear: the acquisition of housing, the birth of children, joint trips and pleasure.
In a Reversed Position:
This os a dark card for love reading. It symbolizes neglect, unhappy family life. You should carefully examine how your partner treats you. Sometimes love can blind us to the fact that our needs are being ignored. Your relationship is going through a period of turmoil, so be careful before making any important life decisions or choices. The Four of Wands can also be a sign that the man you love may suddenly leave you.
The reversed Four of Wands in the spreads for relationships speaks of postponing some important event for some time. It may also indicate that a person, for some reason (because of modesty, shyness, awkwardness) hides his true desires and goals.
In the Spreads for Dates
In an Upright Position:
A very special event is imminent, or an anniversary in a relationship is approaching.
In a Reversed Position:
Get rid of this pessimistic attitude towards the wedding. This is a wonderful holiday of love, joy and unification! Yes, many marriages break up, but do not forget that there are also many successful marriages.
In the Spreads for Family
In an Upright Position:
A happy time for you and your family. Appreciate such moments, keep them in memory. They will be a source of inspiration and strength for you for years to come.
In a Reversed Position:
Stay focused on family gatherings. Get involved and enjoy life. This will be helpful for you.
In the Spreads for Friendship

In an Upright Position:
Your friends are good to you and you are good to them.
In a Reversed Position:
You don’t always take your friends into account, at least that’s how your behavior looks. Let them know how important they are to you before it’s too late.
In the Spreads for Money
In an Upright Position:
The meaning of the Four of Wands is financial abundance. If you are trying to increase your sources of income, your resources will become more profitable in the future. Financial issues will be resolved quickly, you will receive large sums of money in excess of the expected income. But do not forget that it is necessary to provide a cash reserve to deal with emerging situations.
In a Reversed Position:
You are not very good at your finances at the moment. Lack of planning, poor organization is very stressful. Most of the overspending goes on treats and gifts for the family, which allows you to fool yourself into thinking that you are not wasting money. Financial security is the best gift you can give yourself and your loved ones. Make a budget, control expenses.
In the Spreads for Education
In an Upright Position:
You are celebrating (or will soon be celebrating) a team victory.
In a Reversed Position:
Don’t underestimate rituals like general gatherings. They help create a sense of community, which is very helpful at times.
In the Spreads for Career
In an Upright Position:
The work becomes stable. Difficult problems in the company have been resolved, perhaps you will receive a reward for your efforts. This will be a thriving period in your career, just enjoy it, because the card predicts that this stage will last quite a long time. If you are looking for a new job or starting your own business, the card recommends that you think carefully about everything, because this stage is more about having fun than investing.
The Four of Wands indicates a period of satisfaction from work, enjoyment of the results of one’s labor. The work itself brings joy, and the work is going well. However, the card can also mean a calm, without problems, the transition to another job or to new responsibilities.
In a Reversed Position:
Things are not going well right now. Your work environment does not support you, it may even sometimes be hostile. Gossip, as well as colleagues, interfere with the work very often. If you enjoy your job and want the atmosphere to change, then from time to time try to see your colleagues outside of work. Even having only one friend can change everything for the better. If you don’t like your job, now is the time to leave, find a new place.
In the reversed position, the Four of Wands can mean the absence of visible results of work, as well as the lack of efforts already made to achieve the desired result. In addition, Arcana may indicate that the activity is not effective enough, while it could be much better.
In the Spreads for Health
In an Upright Position:
Four of Wands is a great sign for health. If you have suffered from an illness, trust that you will soon be back to the full. May portend pregnancy.
Excellent health, stable condition, recovery, stabilization of processes.
In a Reversed Position:
The reversed Four of Wands for health is a warning that health may deteriorate. You may be overworked at work or with your family. Be careful, if you live at this pace, you may experience breakdowns or anxiety attacks. It is likely that you may be hospitalized or require home care in the near future.
Recovery is progressing more slowly than we would like.
Answer to Yes / No Tarot Spreads
In an Upright Position:
Mandatory “Yes”.
In a Reversed Position:
Very rarely, depending on the context of the question, the Arcana in a reversed position may not have an unambiguous answer.

Self-Development Lesson
In between periods of struggle for your relationship, rejoice in your positive accomplishments. Learn everything you can from peace and stability. Be gentle, not aggressive – for there is strength in softness.
Type of person:
The card means an energetic, cheerful, loving person. Always strives to be in the thick of things, to take an active part in common affairs. He loves to have fun, but always remembers that fun is an hour, and business is time.
Arcana’s warning
As a warning, Arcana suggests enjoying the moment, just waiting, watching what happens later. Do not rush things, everything has its time.
Final Advice of Arcana
The Four of Wands of the Tarot advises to support good, productive, evolutionary ideas. Use charisma to attract like-minded people to significantly expand your sphere of influence. The more people you can attract, the better. When you share what is in your head, in your heart, naturally, you will receive approval, support and help.
Enjoy your vacation, arrange a feast for the whole world. Do not stop there, otherwise there is a risk of falling into the “comfort zone”.
In general, the Four of Wands symbolizes prosperity, happiness, harmony. It tells that all problems were resolved in the best way.
Almost a sense of relief: you were going through difficult times, and then your problems were suddenly resolved. Now you feel that it is time to relax and enjoy life. In general, the Tarot card Four of Wands indicate happiness, harmony in business and in personal life, as well as pleasant activities in society.

Discover other Minor Arcana:
Suit of Swords
Ace of Swords
Two of Swords
Three of Swords
Four of Swords
Five of Swords
Six of Swords
Seven of Swords
Eight of Swords
Nine of Swords
Ten of Swords
Page of Swords
Knight of Swords
Queen of Swords
King of Swords
Suit of Wands
Ace of Wands
Two of Wands
Three of Wands
Four of Wands
Five of Wands
Six of Wands
Seven of Wands
Eight of Wands
Nine of Wands
Ten of Wands
Page of Wands
Knight of Wands
Queen of Wands
King of Wands
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