What does the Page of Pentacles card mean in a Tarot Reading?
Another auspicious Tarot card is the Page of Pentacles (Princess of Pentacles). It is similar in energy to the Nine and Ten of Pentacles. It also has a positive interpretation associated with good news and new opportunities.
The Page of Pentacles means the slow but sure birth of an elaborate idea or concept.
Goal: Achieving Lasting Results.
Element: Earth
Planet: Venus, Mercury
Astrological sign: Virgo, Taurus
A young page stands on a flower field and holds a pentacle in his outstretched hands. He gazes intently at this pentacle, which almost seems to float in the air.
(For a detailed depiction, analysis of the Symbols and all Elements of the Page of Pentacles Card, click here)
The Main Meanings of the Card In an Upright Position
Key Words and Phrases
Written message. Good news for money or financial transactions. Desire to learn. The opportunity to get an education. School visit. A school or educational event. Slow but steady progress. Patience. Perseverance. Thrift. Responsibilities. Realism. Economy. Kindness. Determination. Respect for material things. Love for nature. Opportunities in education. Commitment to learning. Laying a solid foundation. Patient development.

Lack of prejudice. Real goals. Well verified information. Formal training. Study of material values. Inclination to meticulous work. Technical know-how. Starting a new business. Methodical work. Possibility of increasing income. Favorable changes. Discipleship. Scholarship. Painstaking paperwork. A message containing useful and practical information. Homework. The documents. Books. Magazines. Contracts. Negotiation. News concerning children.
The main meanings of the card in an upright position
the opportunity to acquire knowledge;
diligence and care;
study and scholarship;
good news;
changes for the better thanks to the benefactor;
openness to new people;
caring character;
true, reliable offer;
something serious and solid;
make a good deal;
material results of the labor;
useful experience;
decisive step;
resolution of problems and disputes in the union;
desire and opportunity to learn;
lesson, teaching;
apprentice, schoolboy, pupil, journeyman, amateur, student;
indicates a young man, a diligent worker, very meticulous and

education, good news, creativity;
scientific reflection, patience, open-mindedness;
obtaining new skills and opportunities;
improvement of the financial situation;
good prospects for the future, successful undertakings;
a young man or girl from an inner circle.
Situation and Advice
Soon you will have the opportunity to make some money or start a new venture. Be sure to make homework, it will give you an edge over others. You will receive a scholarship. Your careful, scrupulous and diligent work will be rewarded at its true worth. Small beginnings will lead to slow but sure progress. Perhaps you will receive a letter or a note that will influence the further course of events. If you are preparing to sign a contract, read it carefully again. Be careful and accurate with your documents. Perhaps you will take part in some kind of research. You have to focus on details, a lot of paperwork awaits you. Your advantage now is in education. Pentacles indicate that at the moment you need to pay attention to your physical and material needs.
Persons designated by Upright Page of Pentacles Сard

Calm, thoughtful and conscientious young Shudi. People without prejudice. Students. Scientists. People who appreciate good things. Those who are eager to learn. Book worms. Introverts. Reliable friends. The ones you can rely on. Workers. Practical, responsible and sane people. Good-natured people. Nature lovers. Serious students. Researchers. Persevering workers. Young people who are serious about their studies and material achievement. Secretaries. Scribes. Diligent and responsible young people. Those who are engaged in commerce. Dodgers. People who, at first glance, contemplatively calm, but have an active mind. Dark-haired youths. Young officers and soldiers.
The Main Meanings of the Card In a Reversed Position
Key Words and Phrases
Unexpected expenses. Bad news. Bureaucracy. Unpleasant letter. Delay in negotiations. Mediocre results. Negligence. Ingratitude. Unfavorable financial statement. Money problems. Contract problems. Prejudice. The inconsistency of mistakes. Monotone work. Boredom. Ignorance. Rebelliousness. Lack of common sense. Repetition of past mistakes. Pretentiousness. Superficial knowledge. Materialism. Futility. Extravagance. Frequent mood swings. Laziness. Self-pity. Resentment. Contempt. Pettiness. Obstructionism. Envy. Ignoring important information. Self-criticism. Preoccupation with small details or techniques. Powerful bureaucracy. Excessive conformism. Bad news about the baby. Lack of learning ability. School problems. Lack of education. Poor selection of educational opportunities. Miscarriage. Disease. Because of the trees, the forest is not visible. Take your nose off the book.
The main meanings of the card in a reversed position
missed chance;
to learn from your mistakes;
unfavorable news;
indiscipline, whims;
not being in demand;
excess, generosity, luxury, splendor, abundance;
benevolence, generosity, charity;
humiliation, extravagance (embezzlement), robbery, wastefulness;
prudent and hardworking person;
financial difficulties;
absent-mindedness, recklessness, lack of moral values;
financial losses, bad news;
embezzler, mot;
financial difficulties, commercialism, pettiness;
disorganization and negligence in business;
bad counselor, bad company.
Situation and Advice

You may receive unpleasant financial news. To avoid repeating past mistakes, use your natural inclinations and common sense. Check the information you receive carefully and do not rely on superficial knowledge. An unpleasant letter or phone call awaits you. Life problems can arise due to the fact that you are too busy with your own affairs, and minor health problems are also possible.
Persons designated by the Reversed Page of Pentacles Сard
Problem child. Young people who lack the ability to learn. People with unrealistic ideas about life. Ungrateful people. Touchy, envious young people. Limited, selfish technocrats. Petty bureaucrats. Sad young people. People with only superficial knowledge. People who are overly concerned with the pursuit of luxury. Those who don’t respect you. Obsessed people with manic personalities. Prodigal young people. Sick children. People who refuse good advice.
In the Spreads
In a universal sense, the Page of Pentacles Tarot card has excellent meanings in any area. But, like all Pentacles, its influence on the material part of life is especially strong. The Arcana symbolizes positive news about finances, work, study and other aspects of daily life. It can also fall out as a harbinger of excellent prospects for a business or project, or new opportunities.
The meaning of the card changes based on its position in the spread.
In an Upright Position
The upright Page of Pentacles speaks, in the classical sense, of good news in all areas of life, especially finance, work, and study.
The Page of Pentacles card solves problems associated with everyday life: buying things, getting a diploma, going to the doctor, getting a job and much more. Usually, its appearance in the spread raises questions of pragmatic decisions and rational conclusions.
The characteristic features that the Page of Pentacles card indicates are organization, diligence, conscientiousness, and a tendency to introspection. These qualities are manifested especially in the areas of creativity and extrasensory perception. A Page of Pentacles usually portends good news for the querent or for a young man or girl close to him. The card also speaks of a constructive meeting with a person who shares the views of the querent.
In the upright position, the Page of Pentacles is a Tarot card of potential. In what it points out, there is a good, but not yet realized potential, and most often material. We can talk about a profitable deal, about a new promising job, just about life experience, or an unexpected but very favorable way out of this situation. This card always points to something serious, solid, whatever the chances and options it offers. Arcana assumes development, the growth of something, which is expected with a high degree of probability and can be related to both people and the business that a person is engaged in.
The card can mean successful admission to an educational institution and further education without much effort. It also promises long-term prospects, personifies the most important impulse, which will bear fruit for a long time to come. The Page of Pentacles recommends opening up to everything new, unknown, with special enthusiasm. Try to make the most of the opportunities provided.
This is the energy of concentration, dedication, efforts on an urgent matter. A card of focus and absorption on your project. Will it be successful, will it be able to justify itself, to what result it will lead, and what innovations it will bring to a new life, the adjacent cards in the spread will show.
Traditionally, the Page of Pentacles emphasizes the Process, which has already begun. Whatever it is: slow or fast, light or heavy, costly or not. Any Process will be quite productive and will bring the most effective result. The Page of Pentacles is also the personification of simple earthly joys (going to a restaurant, a picnic in nature, a colorful show) and passionate carnal pleasures.
In addition, the Page of Pentacles can indicate a specific person (your friend or acquaintance) thanks to which you can improve your financial affairs. Perhaps this person will give you protection, give you good advice, or help you get a higher-paying job.
In a Reversed Position:
The reversed Page of Pentacles is characterized by lack of demand where it is needed, pedantry and pettiness where it is not needed. The querent or one of the young people close to him is dismissive of the opportunities that open up. The card also speaks of bad news, especially related to money matters.
It symbolizes a lack of patience, spending money, neglect of business. Hence the missed opportunities, unfulfilled plans.
The reversed Tarot card Page of Pentacles represents a banal or rude person, or a selfish and narcissistic person. A rake, a bum, a wasteful. Bad news, disappointment, pain, or trouble for the questioner. Waste of funds or potential.
Appearing in fortune telling, the reversed Page of Pentacles Tarot card focuses on the worst manifestations of materialism: selfishness, greed, neglect of spiritual development. Opportunities do not reach the implementation phase, plans and expectations collapse. Patience and interest in something worthwhile and valuable are lost and important chances are missed. Changeable mood, illogical actions, extravagance come to the fore.

In the reversed position, the Page of Pentacles means that the querent’s financial well-being is in jeopardy. Bad news and money prospects await you. You can become a victim of fraud, theft or deception, and you can also wind up a significant amount of money yourself.
The presence of the Page of Pentacles in your spread indicates that one of your acquaintances or friends may be the cause of your trouble with money. Perhaps he will give you bad advice, draw you into bad company, or simply stir up a passion for extravagance in you. In any case, the reversed Page of Pentacles advises you to be careful with money and, not succumbing to other people’s influence, think only with your own head.
The reversed Page of Pentacles traditionally indicates a person who is too fussy, hovering somewhere, not wanting to pay attention to the obvious. He can be extremely wasteful. By contacting such a person, you can lose many material values. A hack, treating his direct duties superficially, carelessly. A person who does not know how to do something and does not want to learn from the mistakes he made.
The desire to do everything at once, to jump over his head, the inability to concentrate on one thing. If something went wrong, it means that the process was initially wrong and something needs to be urgently changed. Negative results indicate that you need to reconsider your foundations and life positions. Sometimes the reversed Page of Pentacles is negative news, ruined plans, impossible dreams and the collapse of the enterprise.
In the Spreads for Different situation
In an Upright Position:
When divining for a specific situation, the Page of Pentacles symbolizes new opportunities. Be sure to use intelligence, think carefully about each step. You will be rewarded for your work. There is a great chance that you will receive the information you need so much.
In a Reversed Position:
When asked about a specific situation, the reversed position indicates setbacks and bad news. Moreover, all this is most often due to your omissions or inattention. You need to be more focused.
In the Spreads for Relationship
In an Upright Position:
The Page of Pentacles in love and relationships means, first of all, working on these relationships. Moreover, the work is successful, where both partners value each other, try to preserve feelings in the conditions of a joint life.
If you are wondering about a person with whom you just want to meet, the card advises you to take the initiative, since you have every chance of getting the attention of your chosen one.
In the case of a person in matters of love, Arcana means a reliable partner who will take care of the material side of life and will try to satisfy all the needs of the loved one.
In an already existing relationship, the card indicates the possibility of successfully resolving problems and disputes that have accumulated, perhaps over the years, and the transition of your relationship to a new level.
In a Reversed Position:
The reversed Page of Pentacles in relationships and love symbolizes an unreliable partner. This includes the “household disabled”, spenders, inattentive and frivolous individuals. With such a person it is difficult to start and develop relationships and conduct a life. Consider maybe looking for more promising connections.
Formalism, boredom and routine are also likely, in which people who once loved each other will sink.
In the Spreads for Money
In an Upright Position:
The financial situation with the upright card is consistently good, the incomes correspond to the efforts made.
In a Reversed Position:
A similar meaning in the matter of money is the inability to plan the budget, spending, waste, insufficient financial savings.
In the Spreads for Career
In an Upright Position:
The Page of Pentacles is a positive Tarot card for career and work issues. It personifies a wholesome work process, good results, concentration and attentiveness, hard work and effort to give all the best. This also includes training, advanced training, new promising projects.
Appearing in fortune-telling or spreads in a upright position, the Page of Pentacles indicates a new appointment, task, plan, in the implementation of which tangible assistance will be provided.

Arcana means an opportunity to find a good job, move to a new position, or make a good deal. In addition, the Page of Pentacles serves as a warning about inattention to documents that require a signature, and generally advises to pay attention to any, the most insignificant, details.
In a Reversed Position:
The reversed Page of Pentacles in matters of work will indicate fussiness, inattention, negligence. It also includes inability to plan time, unwillingness to use skills and learn new things. Accordingly, not very good career prospects.
In a reversed position, the Page of Pentacles reports that additional cash injections into the business may be required, or that the person is not well versed in what he is doing, or that bureaucratic obstacles may be more serious than the querent thinks.
In the Spreads for Health
In an Upright Position:
The Page of Pentacles on health issues can mean diseases that you had as a child. In women, it indicates a healthy reproductive system.
Positive dynamics of recovery. There may be problems with the deposition of stones in the gallbladder, bladder. Possible problems in the area of joints, osteochondrosis.
In a Reversed Position:
The reversed Page of Pentacles symbolizes deviations in the work of any body systems. This includes both physical and psychological disruptions. They are most often not serious, especially with timely treatment.
Sprains, dislocations are possible. Medium-positive dynamics of recovery. Depression and nervous exhaustion due to prolonged strenuous work are possible.
Answer to Yes / No Tarot Spreads
In an Upright Position:
More “yes” than “no”.
In a Reversed Position:
More likely “no” than yes”.
Self-Development Lesson
Perhaps you are now so focused on pursuing your goals that you have become insensitive to the needs of others. Look to a future that is not only positive for you, but also transcends your personal horizons.
Type of person in an upright position:
The card indicates a female (sometimes male) child or adolescent. Hair is upright, thick, dark brown or black. Dark skin, dark eyes. Average height, solid build.
A child of wealthy parents or at least grows up in a family where a lot of time is devoted to the education and physical development of the child. They pamper, but in moderation, they teach to know the value of money. If we are talking about an adult, the card shows a serious, thoughtful person, inclined to rational mental activity.

Loves and knows how to count money, one way or another strives for financial security. If the Page of Pentacles is unlucky enough to be born into a wealthy family, he will still look for ways to create his own financial empire and become the King of Pentacles. The love of money is in his blood. He will not do stupid things and waste them on whims or false friends, like the Page of Cups.
For the questioner, Page of Pentacles (like any other Page in the Tarot) in the spread can mean a younger relative – a brother or sister, nephew, grandson or the questioner’s own child.
Type of person in an reversed position:
A child of poor parents, whose childhood was spent in deprivation, poor living conditions, lack of food, toys, medicines. For this reason he has poor health, gaps in basic education, lack of a start in life. If we are talking about an adult, the person is lazy, irresponsible, rather primitive, like those who are only interested in food and TV.
Arcana’s warning
Do not take on a lot of things at once, focus on the most important ones. Assess yourself and your abilities objectively.
Final Advice of Arcana
The Page of Pentacles advises you not to be afraid to start new businesses and projects, they will be successful. Try to use every opportunity to gain knowledge and self-development.
In an Upright Position:
Show conscientiousness in business, patience and perseverance in a difficult situation. Save money, do not waste it on little things, later you will thank yourself for being thrifty. And be sure to learn! Including life mistakes.
In a Reversed Position:
Pamper yourself, regardless of the amount of money in your wallet. Leaving your comfort zone voluntarily or life will knock you out of it.
The Page of Pentacles denotes a certain chance, a certain impetus to action. Since Pentacles denote the element of the earth, this Page can symbolize some specific, quite practical proposal. The earth is strength, stability, therefore the proposal will most likely be correct and reliable. At the same time, depending on the question asked, we can talk about a profitable deal, about a new promising job, just about life experience or an unexpected but very favorable way out of this situation. This card always points to something serious, solid, whatever the chances and options it offers.
The Page of Pentacles is a simple auspicious card. Its meaning is easy to remember, and its draw in the spread brings good news.

Discover other Minor Arcana:
Suit of Swords
Ace of Swords
Two of Swords
Three of Swords
Four of Swords
Five of Swords
Six of Swords
Seven of Swords
Eight of Swords
Nine of Swords
Ten of Swords
Page of Swords
Knight of Swords
Queen of Swords
King of Swords
Suit of Wands
Ace of Wands
Two of Wands
Three of Wands
Four of Wands
Five of Wands
Six of Wands
Seven of Wands
Eight of Wands
Nine of Wands
Ten of Wands
Page of Wands
Knight of Wands
Queen of Wands
King of Wands
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When asked if a friend would move in with me within a week, the Page of Pentacles fell out. It seems like yes, but the card is rather weak for living together. 😕 What thoughts?
She will do what is beneficial for her now. 😀
Sometimes the Page of Pentacles means that your whole situation is filled with the spirit of physical pleasure. At such moments, with a light heart, receive physical pleasures, satisfaction from your capabilities and what you have.
That’s it, often this is how this card manifests itself in relationships for me – physical pleasure, fulfillment of sensual pleasures, gaining experience in physical relationships, etc.
Hi everyone. I’m new to Tarot, just trying to learn the basics. I’m practicing it a little over a month)
I started with simple layouts. The recent card of the day is the page of pentacles. I was lost, as in some interpretations it was indicated the meaning of “going to school.” Thank you Mary for your article is very informative. Now is more easy for me to learn Tarot.
Hi Rona. You are welcome, and I’m glad that my article helped you.
The Page of Pentacles could also mean a quest on getting knowledge, as it shows a young man that goes to his goal.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and I’ll do my best to help. Keep learning and practicing. ❤️