Ace of Swords Tarot Card

Ace of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

What does the Ace of Swords Tarot card mean?

Ace of Swords: Intellect, Conquest, Triumph

This card represents conquest or triumph. Success is close. In solving issues that concern you, you are able to use your logic and intuition, and your troubles will soon disappear. However, plan your steps carefully and do not act in a hurry if you are involved in a new business.

The Ace of Swords is a very powerful card filled with powerful energy. It falls out when you need to be ready to go through obstacles, think soberly, make an important decision or show will.

Goal: clarity, knowledge, objectivity
Element: air
Planet: Mars, Pluto, Mercury, Jupiter
Astrological sign: Virgo, Libra, Aries, Capricorn


A hand from the cloud holds out a sword, on which is a crown. Green plants hang from the crown. The mountains are visible behind.
(For a detailed depiction, analysis of the Symbols and all Elements of the Ace of Swords Tarot Card, click here)

The Main Meanings of the Card In an Upright Position

Key Words and Phrases

You have great power at your disposal. The power of the element of Air. The power of reason. Freedom. Determination. Mental energy. Courage. Fresh ideas. The power of a word. The beginning of success. Sense of tact. Irreversible and radical change. Concentration of energy. Overcoming obstacles. Focused mind. Logics. Order. Discipline. Ability to define goals. Balanced action. Rationality. The ability to think carefully about everything. Hit the bull’s-eye. Justice. Law. Legal issues.

Ace of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

Authoritarianism. Strength of will. The need for surgical intervention. Medical examination. Blood test. Injections. Each cloud has a silver edge. The pen is mightier than the sword. Think before acting. First the mind, then the feelings. Great prosperity or great poverty.

The main meanings of the card in an upright position

the acquisition of clarity in something: clarification of relationships, overcoming doubts;
the birth of a child, a plan;
conquest, triumph;
the troubles will soon disappear;
advice: if you have a new business, then act thoughtfully;
advice: you should correctly assess your power (strength);
sharpness of mind;
unambiguous solutions;
new incentive;
release from addictions of various kinds;
a serious conversation, solving a problem between partners;
liberation from illusions – the collapse of the union;
victory, triumph, the onset of a new favorable period in life;
the ability to influence the situation in their favor;
wealth, income, abundance, success with others;
power, influence on people;
purposefulness, energy;
a promising project may arise from an unpleasant situation;
pregnancy, fetus;
passion, excitement;
a new period in life.

Ace of Swords. Witchcraft Tarot by Ellen Dugan
Witchcraft Tarot by Ellen Dugan

Situation and Advice

The Ace of Swords may indicate the beginning of a new intellectual project. Since Swords are associated with strife, conflict and difficulty, this card indicates the likelihood of a promising project that may arise from an adversity. The traditional meaning of this card is “strength in adversity”. To overcome all obstacles and difficulties, you need discipline and determination. Inevitable and painful life changes can start something positive. You have great power at your disposal. You can focus your mind and efforts on achieving a goal. You need logic, balance and order. Sometimes this card indicates that legal intervention is needed to resolve the conflict. If you asked about your health, then the Ace of Swords indicates the need to prescribe injections or surgery.

Persons designated by Upright Ace of Swords Tarot Сard

Champions. People with well-developed logic. Dominant personalities. Lawyers. True fighters for their cause. Surgeons and other healthcare professionals. Life-saving people. Sharp tongues.

The Main Meanings of the Card In a Reversed Position

Key Words and Phrases

Threats. Excessive strength. Heavy hand. A real victory. Abrupt speech. Sarcasm. Incitement. Confrontation. The pursuit. Delay in action. Poor sense of tact. Obstacles. Illusions. Unclear thinking. An unnecessary break. Lack of planning. Abuse of power. Energy in the wrong direction. Unnecessary wounds. Destructiveness. Immorality. Chaos. Exploitation. Domination. Injustice. Dishonesty. Power problems. Problems with law. Misuse of intelligence. Disrespect for the feelings of others. You are being used. Self-torture. Heavy operation. Problems with medical intervention. If you hurry, you will make people laugh. Anyone who comes with a sword will die by the sword. Strength determines actions. You decide!

The main meanings of the card in a reversed position

the problem is not solved;
parting with someone;
blow of fate;
anxiety and depression;
threat of defeat;
excessive authority, cruelty, despotism;
failure in business, dependence, submission to something or someone;
conflicts and quarrels;
deception, foul play, snobbery;
wound with a sharp object;
conception, childbirth;
lack of strength;
failure in business;
violence, destruction;
problems with bosses;
the beginning of a tense relationship.

Ace of Swords. Guardian Angels Tarot
Guardian Angels Tarot

Situation and Advice

You may be in a situation where you are being used. It seems that you are putting in much more energy than is necessary to achieve your goals. Be careful, do not overdo it, do not burn bridges behind you. When the Ace of Swords appears in the spread, it usually indicates that you are throwing too much out of your life, sometimes it is completely unnecessary. Remember, you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. You may need to end a relationship in which your partner is being cruel or unfair to you. Perhaps you once inflicted a wound on another and now it is your turn to suffer. If your question was about health, this card warns that you may injure yourself with a sharp object or experience complications after surgery. Sometimes the appearance of this card symbolizes conception, and under certain Arcana – the birth of a child.

Persons designated by the Reversed Ace of Swords Tarot Сard

Provocateurs. Self-torturers. Exploiters. Victims. Jack the Ripper.

In the Spreads

The interpretation of the card traditionally depends on its position in the spread. The Upright and Reversed Arcana will have different meanings.
This card indicates the beginning of some kind of struggle, readiness to develop, freedom from current existence. The man understood a lot and outlined plans for the future. At the moment, he will be able to easily develop in the chosen area. The Ace of Swords of the Tarot means determination if you need to immediately make a choice or change the principle of life, which a person intends to be guided by.
It is the ability to clearly know what you want and what you don’t, the conscious act of making a decision. One of the main meanings of the card is extreme, border, limit. Can talk about restricting freedom, summing up. A tough decision that is made only through strength, will and reason, in spite of all feelings and emotions.
The value of the The Ace of Swords Tarot card can symbolize clarity in any issue, solving a difficult life situation, clarifying relations with the chosen one, overcoming doubts. In Latin, the word (secare) “dissect” also has the meaning of “solving”, “understanding” the problem.
Sometimes a card can portend absolute success. Power over circumstances, the victory of personal power. Triumph can be in any area: work, love, financial affairs, spiritual development, hobby. The Ace of Swords is an indicator of what has already been conquered at the moment, the bar for decisions and views you already made.

In an Upright Position:

The direct position of the card includes all of its classical interpretations – strength, energy, will, readiness for any changes, the ability to act rationally and decisively.
In the upright position, the Ace of Swords Tarot is a wonderful card that means triumph and success. You have achieved what you aspired to, and now you have influence and power.
The presence of the Ace of Swords in your scenario suggests that thanks to your willpower, determination and energy, you have overcome all obstacles and difficulties on your way, reached a new level, and have every right to enjoy the well-deserved fruits of your victory.
Your opponents and foes are defeated, your dreams are coming true before our eyes. Wealth, prosperity and success await you ahead. And the most important thing is the ability to direct your life in the direction you need, using the acquired authority for this, the influence on others and other huge opportunities that open before you.
Appearing in fortune-telling and spreads in a straight position, the Ace of Swords card corresponds to clarity, consistency and the ability to make decisions. This is a card of understanding, a fairly strong clarification of the situation, the ability to clarify ambiguities for oneself, exact knowledge of what to do next. Arcana indicates a situation in which there was an urgent need to urgently make a decision, immediately deal with some problem. This card can also indicate the birth of a child or a new idea, which will subsequently radically change the life of the fortuneteller. In any case, if it falls out in the alignment, you must be prepared for any surprises.

In a Reversed Position:

The Reversed Ace of Swords Tarot card will most often indicate significant difficulties, perhaps even the inability to achieve the assigned tasks. This may also include deadlock situations, quarrels with loved ones or colleagues, lack of strength in solving the problem.
In the Reversed position, the Ace of Swords in Tarot means that the fortuneteller has achieved a lot and achieved high results, but his rigidity, authority and intention to achieve what he wants at any cost can nullify all his achievements.
The presence of this card in your spread means that you put too much pressure on others, using them to achieve your goals. This causes their dissatisfaction and opposition. While you are still able to keep the situation under control, sooner or later an explosion will occur, which will throw you far back.
In addition, an Reversed Ace of Swords can predict troubles for you, such as problems with the law or influential people, conflicts, major defeats, large monetary losses.
At the moment, your business is going uphill, and if you want to avoid losses in the future, reconsider your too harsh attitude towards life, work and, first of all, towards people.

Ace of Swords. Mirage Valley Tarot by Barbara Moore
Mirage Valley Tarot by Barbara Moore

They are not pawns in your game. By being more flexible, tolerant, and understanding, you will win loyal allies to help you avoid failure.
In the Reversed position, the Ace of Swords indicates serious difficulties in plans, the meaninglessness of hopes for victory, and sometimes an absolutely dead end situation. At the level of events, Arcana can predict minor everyday quarrels, difficulties in learning, the inability and failure to understand a situation or some issue. Sometimes the card says that the fortuneteller will achieve success, but very soon there will be some reasons that will make him regret it.

In the Spreads for Different situation

In an Upright Position:
The Arcana symbolizes the need for a logical, reasonable and quick decision. Now we need to gather all our will and act. Also, the card can indicate your early understanding of the circumstances and insight.
In a Reversed Position:
Means a dead end. Under the existing circumstances, it is impossible to solve the problem. You need to stop, think over everything again and try another way.

In the Spreads for Relationship

In an Upright Position:
The element of air is, first of all, the power of mind and logic. Therefore, the value of the Ace of Swords Tarot card for questions about love will most often show the need for a reasonable and rational dialogue with the chosen one / loved one. Strong love is built on mutual understanding and respect for the principles and worldview of each other.
In fortune-telling and spreads for love and relationships, a direct Ace of Swords can mean a serious conversation that will bring freedom, or a solution and overcoming of a deep-lying problem. This is the opportunity to find a common language with a person with whom this has not yet been possible. In addition, a clear and sober view of things with which this card is associated can mean liberation from illusions that could be, ultimately, the collapse of the union. At the event level, Arcana can be interpreted as the beginning of a new relationship after a quick (or already occurred) break in old ones.

In a Reversed Position:
The Reversed Arcana, as opposed to the direct one, will indicate a lack of dialogue, when partners quarrel, hold a grudge in themselves, and are unhappy with something. They conflict on emotions without trying to talk intelligently.
In the Reversed position, the Ace of Swords indicates long silent quarrels, hidden anger and resentment, warns of the inability to sort out confusion in relationships due to intemperance and a tendency to say out loud everything that comes to mind.

In the Spreads for Dates

In an Upright Position:
Someone evokes in you a determination and passion that you have not yet shown.
In a Reversed Position:
Misunderstanding each other is the cause of confusion. Perhaps you and your partner are using different words for the same thing. Now you need to find out what positions each of you occupies, and for this you need to find a common language.

In the Spreads for Family

In an Upright Position:
Everything is changing for the better.
In a Reversed Position:
You have anxiety and mental stress. Control your temper.

In the Spreads for Friendship

In an Upright Position:
You are honest and reliable, and so are your friends.
In a Reversed Position:
You will have to watch your sharp tongue. You are intemperate in words, and this turns off your friends.

In the Spreads for Money

In an Upright Position:
You are reasonable and rational about spending and managing your finances. This contributes to a good financial situation.
Now nothing can block your path. You will earn as much as you want and as you see fit.
In a Reversed Position:
Collisions with reputable people can close your earning opportunities. Spending, loss of money, financial crisis.

Ace of Swords. Legacy of the Divine Tarot by Ciro Marchetti
Legacy of the Divine Tarot by Ciro Marchetti

In the Spreads for Education

In an Upright Position:
You are almost (or completely) the first in grades. Keep working because you still have room to grow.
In a Reversed Position:
If you look out the window more than at the teacher during class, do not be surprised at your pitiful “successes.”

In the Spreads for Career

In an Upright Position:
In work matters, it means that you are well versed in what you are doing. You have excellent intelligence, the ability to solve complex problems and generate new ideas. Your job / business has every chance of success. Also, sometimes the card can indicate a decision to change jobs, if the querent is considering such an opportunity.
In the upright position, the Minor Arcana Tarot Ace of Swords speaks of a clear and precise idea of ​​his business, which allows him to make quite unambiguous decisions, and also predicts a close solution to some confusing problem. The symbolism of sharpness and separation associated with this card can represent a deliberate decision to part with a previous job. Arcana can also mean good analytical ability, successful development of a new project, interesting ideas in the professional field and work.

In a Reversed Position:
Signals of a crisis at work. These can be insurmountable difficulties, deadlocks, failed projects, etc. Problems with colleagues or business partners are possible.
In the Reversed position, the card is interpreted as a failure of commercial or business projects, as unfavorable circumstances that accompany the development of a new undertaking. Short-sighted plans, dubious projects, breakdown of an agreement or betrayal by partners are not excluded.

In the Spreads for Health

In an Upright Position:
Moderately positive dynamics of recovery. Bruises, minor injuries, cuts are likely.
In general, the Ace of Swords is a good card in matters of health. It means recovery and successful treatment. If you are not sick, then there is a risk of minor injuries.
In a Reversed Position:
Surgical operations with possible complications.
Health issues can mean surgery, hospitalization. But this meaning is optional. Better to pull out another card for clarification.

Answer to Yes / No Tarot Spreads

In an Upright Position:
In a Reversed Position:

Self-Development Lesson

The Ace is a double-edged sword, so in this situation you should assess your personal power (strength) in a global sense and not remain double-minded. Learn to react intellectually and emotionally to the world around you. This means that you must develop your discernment to such an extent that you are able to reconcile elements that may initially appear to be opposite to you.
The Ace of Swords corresponds to the Supreme Reason, the power of knowledge that leads to clarity, consistency and the ability to make decisions. In contrast to the next card (Two of Swords), which symbolizes the destructive power of doubt, here the work of the mind is carried out in the purest, brightest and most liberating form. All the acuity we have at our disposal must be directed towards penetrating the essence of the problem, without losing sight of the big picture, without drowning the problem in a dispute about words and without brushing it off “for insignificance”.

Ace of Swords. The Tarot of Vampyres [With Phantasmagoria] by Ian Daniels
The Tarot of Vampyres [With Phantasmagoria] by Ian Daniels

Type of person in an upright position:

The card means a person with high intelligence, natural courage, but unrestrained in words and deeds. If he uses the force for evil, there will be trouble. Vindictive, although the act of retaliation is always called the triumph of justice.

Type of person in an reversed position:

The card means a very cruel person. To do evil, he does not need any reason, only his own desire. Complete soullessness in the presence of a very high intelligence. Paranoid, he sees enemies everywhere and is ready to destroy them. He sleeps with a knife under his pillow.

Arcana’s warning

Don’t jump right off the bat. Think carefully about your actions.

Final Advice of Arcana

Define your goal, analyze the situation, gather your willpower and act decisively and confidently.

In an Upright Position:
Use the power of the intellect for good, otherwise you will hack to death yourself. Do not give a descent to the offenders, punish them so that others are discouraged.
In a Reversed Position:
Do not ignore danger and threats from others. At the same time, avoid hurting others first as it will fly back like a boomerang.


The Ace of Swords is a card of triumph. It emphasizes the idea of ​​the triumph of strength: physical strength, willpower, strength acquired by position or circumstance. You begin this cycle as the king of the mountains: you have won an overwhelming victory or reached a high position and now feel (or will soon feel) the euphoria of your victory. In addition, the Ace of Swords Tarot card is a card of prosperity and fertility. Triumph can relate to any side of your life: work, love, money matters, any activity that captivates you. In fact, in this suit, you started where others finish. It seems, or in fact it is, that all your goals have been achieved.


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4 thoughts on “Ace of Swords Tarot Card Meanings”

  1. Has it ever happened that nothing happened on the Ace of Swords for the future? =\ in relationships between people, for example. People have not communicated for a long time, but lately it seems that this situation may “clear up”, that one person will at least start talking to another. but somehow all this is unlikely.
    Has it ever happened that there were no open actions on this ace?..

    1. On the contrary, according to the Ace of Swords, there is usually a crisis, an aggravation of the situation, a clarification, often painful. In general, according to the Ace of Swords, especially when it lies between the cards indicating people in the layout, it signifies coldness, logic, distance, a sense of emptiness, like frozen ice. However, it often represents a sharp conversation, a showdown, something sharp and specific. It might even denote the signing of a legal document, as the Ace of Swords is associated with logic, new ideas, news, and challenges. But amidst all of this, there is an element of clarity and a certain ruthlessness.

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