Kings of Tarot Quickly Memorize the Meaning

Kings of Tarot: Quickly Memorize the Meaning

In Tarot readings, Kings represent authoritative figures who can influence the outcome of the situations. They make decisions, delegate authority, and are responsible for individuals and groups.

Usually, Kings have achieved a certain level of mastery, experience, and accomplishments, and often they are concerned with maintaining the status quo. They make the final decisions about hiring, scholarships, loans, insurance payments, and actions that significantly impact people’s lives. Due to their roles, out of all court cards, Kings are considered to be the least open. It’s not easy to capture their attention, but if you do, you should make the most of it (sometimes the opportunity isn’t a person but a document, like a resume, job offer, or loan proposal).

Keywords: King – a married, older man. Spouse. Leadership position. Completion, control of a situation, full success. The card can indicate professional skills and their successful implementation. The person has become a “king” in their field (for women, this can also be indicated by the Queen).

Keywords: Career. Authority. Power.

Card Meaning: A courageous, energetic, generous person. A leader, a good organizer. Businessman, entrepreneur, politician. Patron. Foreigner. Famous person admired by others. Achievement of goals, full success in business. Authority, prestige, power. The card indicates career advancement, successful career. Profession: business, politics, as well as legal, teaching activities.

Upward Position: Ability to successfully manage affairs. Organizational skills.

Reversed Position: Arrogant, prideful person. Excessive ambitions, overconfidence. Lives lavishly, behaves like a king among servants. Claims a leadership, organizer role that he cannot handle.

The King of Wands is usually involved in business, is often an entrepreneur. He responds to passion and to exciting ideas. To influence him or gain his support in a project, show how your plan will help him achieve his own goals, and engage him emotionally.

King of Wands Tarot Card

You can also try to use his energy and resources in a unique and inspiring way. He reacts poorly and doesn’t respond to emotional appeals, overly logical arguments, or calculations. Approach him creatively and energetically, and you will certainly catch his interest. However, his attention will be short-lived, so make the most out of it.

King of Wands: Fire element and, like all fire signs, very impulsive and passionate. Life for him is a stage, and the leading role, of course, is his. He doesn’t tolerate competition, loves being the center of attention. Generosity and cheerfulness endear him to others. The life of the party, loves jokes, though sometimes they are rough, but he does it so charmingly that it’s forgiven. Loyal and caring husband.

Such men usually don’t hold grudges. They’re pleasant to be friends with and to communicate with. If he’s angry at you, you can see it, even if he tries to hide it. And if he loves, it’s displayed passionately, generously, and tastefully.

Excessive traits of this character can be rudeness, arrogance, intolerance towards others. It’s an aggressive tyrant and despot.

Keywords: Love and charity.

Card Meaning: Beloved man. Emotionally close person. Lover or relative. Sensitive, caring, loving person. Strong, deep feelings and desires. Charity. Mutual understanding. Spiritual and psychological help, emotional support, healing. Professions: psychologist, artist, musician, poet, healer, religious worker. Since the card is “water,” it can also indicate a sailor’s profession. In business matters, don’t trust the Cups suit too much, as they can make lots of promises but execute little action.

Upward Position: Care and love, emotional support.

Reversed Position: Deceiver, hypocritical, unreliable person. Extortionist, fraudster. Depravity, debauchery, indulgence in desires. Love swindler, seducer. Alcohol abuse.

The King of Cups follows his heart and cares for the hearts of others. Therefore, he is found in areas related to counseling, cardiology, social services, arts, charitable organizations.

King of Cups Tarot Card

He is emotional and empathetic but won’t impose his help first. He always feels his responsibility sharply. To gain his support and influence his decisions, appeal to his feelings, emphasize the common good. Immature emotional outbursts won’t have the desired effect. You will attract his attention only with wise management of emotion and experience in communication with this type of personality.

King of Cups: Water element. Often a cultured, sensible, educated person with excellent manners. It’s easy and pleasant to communicate with him. Sensitive to people, always ready to help. He knows how to listen, and you want to share your experiences. People trust him. They make excellent psychologists, assistants, counselors. They are wonderful as fathers, but as husbands they’re not always faithful.

Kings of Cups love women, and women reciprocate. The goals of the King of Cups is to conquer, intrigue, and captivate.

You will easily recognize the excessive traits of the King of Cups: manipulation, capriciousness, vindictiveness.

Keywords: Strictness. Cold reason.

Card Meaning: Stern, insensitive, intellectual person. Can be divorced or widowed. Strict boss. Representative of the law. Creditor or plaintiff demanding justice. Harsh decision, bringing clarity. Uncompromising, sharpness. Reprimand. Analytical thinking, cold calculation, demanding, strict discipline. Profession: intellectual, information-related, electronics, as well as military, police, judge.

Upward Position: Strict order will be beneficial.

Reversed Position: Dangerous enemy. Persecutor, destroyer. Cruelty, malice, vindictiveness.

The King of Swords moves and is moved by logic and calculation. He loves the truth, enjoys communication, and prefers clearly defined rules. He is guided by the belief that he is doing the right thing.

King of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

Therefore, he is often found in government, law, science, or medicine circles. When talking to the King of Swords, leave all emotional appeals at the door. He won’t respond to passion or excitement. Focus on logic and calculation, clearly formulate your request and present it as simply as possible. If you stray too far from the topic, he will lose interest in your problem.

King of Swords: Air element. A person of logic, reason over feelings. Powerful intellect. A natural leader, a general in life. Determined, ready to fight to the end. Sometimes the end justifies the means. Doesn’t doubt his rightness. There are only two opinions: his and the wrong one. Just, as long as he’s not crossed. Talented leader and organizer. He can explain a task simply and clearly to his subordinates. He is smart, clever, resourceful, determined.

Negative traits – egoist, ruthless, sometimes vindictive, cruel, prone to violence.

Keywords: Reliability, financial stability. Real estate ownership.

Card Meaning: Wealthy, solid, successful person. Good, reasonable manager. Knows how to manage money and property. Stability, reliability, practicality, realism. Achievement of professional and financial success. Wealth, prosperity. Ownership of property, real estate, large sums of money. Profession: banker, economist, construction, real estate trade, commerce.

Upward Position: Stable financial position. Acquisition of real estate.

Reversed Position: Greedy, materialistic, overly focused on wealth. Can be stubborn, possessive, and resistant to change. Lacks empathy and may prioritize profits over people. Tends to be inflexible and overly cautious, hindering growth and innovation.

The King of Pentacles is practical and values results. He likes things to work efficiently and effectively, producing a quality product.

King of Pentacles Tarot Card

Most often, such a person is involved in financial circles: in banking, investment, real estate. He is interested in tangible things and can be an excellent salesperson. Values material goods, which is why he might work in security or law. Finally, the combination of a desire for results and the material world makes him an ideal mentor. To attract his attention and gain support, show him how your idea can simplify his life and make it more productive. Focus on the outcome and good quality, and you will have an attentive listener.

King of Pentacles: Earth element. Very practical, insightful, calculating person. Judges people by their deeds. Material values, property, money are important to him as this gives power. Loves luxury, values art objects. Often it’s a very wealthy person, the owner of factories and ships. In love, he is possessive (what’s mine is mine), conservative. Excellent father and husband, does everything for the family and provides everything.

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